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ACI launches its First Website

The ACI staff is very pleased to announce the launch of its first official website. This means a lot to us as we can now share our daily work with the world. This website was designed to expose what we do in order to promote the long-term conservation of turtle, tortoise and terrapin populations across the African continent and, more precisely, how we want to achieve this goal, what are our plans, and how are we going to do it. Through the blog section, our purpose is also to inform you about what is going on with turtles and tortoises across Africa.

Along with this website, we want to announce the upcoming annual newsletter of ACI entitled The Pelusios. ACI is dedicated to publishing an annual newsletter in both paper and electronic formats that will sum-up ACI’s actions, projects updates, news about turtles in Africa, projects and actions undertaken by other African organizations, and much more. This annual newsletter will be available for free to any ACI Members.

In addition to sharing more details about what we do at the African Chelonian Institute, we really hope this website will help to raise global awareness on the plight of African turtle and tortoise species.

As a non-profit organization, we would like to thank all of our partners for their support. A special thank goes to Steve Enders and theTurtleRoom, who designed this website for us. Please make sure to visit their website and support them as well in their goal to aid in the education, conservation, and survival of the world’s turtle and tortoise species. Finally, we want to thank for providing the software enabling us to run the site in both English and French.


Kévin Labille

Kévin is currently in the first year of his PhD studies in computer sciences at the University of Arkansas. He earned his Master’s Degree in Computer Science in France. Kévin discovered the Pelusios species when he bought 3 Pelusios castaneus hatchlings, beginning his true focus on the husbandry, education, and conservation of African species. He is now the Communcations & Fundraising Officer for African Chelonian Institute and an Educational Resource Developer for theTurtleRoom.

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